7th March, St Anthony’s hospital, Surrey, England.
Drains up
It’s Saturday, and I’m in Surrey for another follow up. After nearly 5 weeks with a drain in the left side of my groin, it’s time to take it out.
This one was seriously smelly, probably something to do with the sepsis! I’m so happy to have it gone though.
The right side of my groin is in a state though. It took the brunt of the sepsis/cellulitis/mystery bug episode, and it feels like it doesn’t belong to me.
More procedures
On Monday, I’m back in for another procedure. This time it’s just a little one, to carve out 5 lumps and areas of interest. They are tests really, but it will make me feel so much more comfortable.
It would have been 7 lumps, but one of them exploded in a fit of hot rage in the middle of the night. I’m going to go to town on another one later with a spoon and a handful of kitchen roll.
It’s highly likely that all the lumps are scar tissue, or something that doctor pimple popper would love to feature, but they all need to be removed and sent out for tests regardless.
After this little op, I’m back to St. George’s two weeks on weds to see the robot.