9th March, St Anthony’s Hospital, Surrey, England Check up. So I saw the big prof, and he felt my nooks and crannies again. After the crisis of last week, he agreed I was like a new man! Now the lump count is down to 3. One that you can see, that’s probably fluid. Two remaining […]
Tag: penile cancer symptoms
Things I have learnt
In these pages, I share everything I have learnt about penile cancer in the past year. Living with cancer changes everything. The effects of surgery, treatment and the changes that your body is going to have to cope with are tough to take sometimes. You laugh, you cry and some days you’re so frustrated that […]
All the big questions…
So many questions. I know you have questions, it’s only natural! So, I’ve put together a list of all the things I’d ask if I thought I might have penile cancer. Or maybe, if I’d just had a diagnosis and was worried about what might come next. Maybe you’re just interested, and that’s fine too. […]
There will be changes.
It’s ok to sit down to wee. You may as well know now, there’s going to be some changes round here. At least, for a while anyway. You might just have to get used to being one of those guys that sits down to pee. Practical things like having a circumcised penis is owning your […]
Other resources.
There are loads resources online for male cancers. Many of them are built by charities and focus on the technical details. They are all reliable, well put together and fantastic places to start. If you want the plain, unvarnished, medical facts, accept no substitute. The NHS – The UK wide health service and a long […]
Stress, rest and sleep.
Stress. Cancer is often stressful, and more than anything I think it’s just fear of the unknown. It plays on the mind, I know it’s not just me. Sometimes I feel completely fine too, like all this is happening to someone else. Believe me when I say this, that a whole family suffers with cancer, […]
The NHS vs private healthcare
It’s not a church. Healthcare in the UK can be an emotive subject. After all, a significant proportion of the UK population seem to believe the NHS is some kind of religious institution. I am going to start with a big statement. If I didn’t have access to private healthcare, I might be dead. Or, […]
Penile cancer will, (as the name suggests) start with a lump on the penis. Usually, the lump is on the head or glans of the penis but it can be anywhere. If it spreads, (or metastasises) the next place it goes is the groin. Tumours, or more specifically the ones on the head of your […]