Tag: Radiotherapy

Change of plan.

23rd March 2020, Prof Watkin gets on the phone. Bad news. Or maybe it isn’t “Hello Mr Little, unfortunately we’re going to have to cancel your op this Wednesday. Our robotic surgeon, and two of my senior team are sick.  All non emergency ops will be cancelled in a couple of weeks. We can’t offer […]

The next chapter…

15th April, Royal Marsden Hospital, Sutton Branch, Surrey, England It’s like the first day in a new job I’m at the Royal Marsden in Surrey today. It’s a shining example of what the NHS could be if we started shooting political activists. I expected to use the one in Chelsea, but while everyone’s on COVID […]

Has anyone spoken to you about sex?

12th May 2020, Royal Marsden Hospital, Sutton, Surrey, England. Well, this is awkward I’m on day one of the chemo, and I have radiotherapy booked in later too. It’s dead posh here, they even give you an electric blanket for your arm! ​“Has anyone spoken to you about sex Mr Little?” I thought it was […]

Thank fuck that’s over.

2nd June 2020, Royal Marsden Hospital, Sutton, Surrey Is it the beginning of the end? Or the end of the beginning? My chemo is complete, and I have 5 radiotherapy sessions left in the “adjuvant therapy” phase.  I’ve had enough of the 160 mile round trips every day, and I’m glad they’re almost over. After […]

It’s never simple, is it?

9th June 2020, Royal Marsden Hospital, Sutton, Surrey I have a massive burn on my cock I thought I’d gotten away with it, but that was a mistake. After 22 radiotherapy treatments, I had a pretty dramatic change in genital ethnicity, but thankfully everything was still intact.  Then, boom. A patch of skin started to […]


5th November 2020, Home. When things move, they move quickly I think it was about ten days ago, maybe two weeks since I last wrote. Back then, I knew the tide was really turning on my recovery. I could just feel it. I still had swelling in my bollocks and my penis in the mornings, […]

There will be changes.

It’s ok to sit down to wee. You may as well know now, there’s going to be some changes round here. At least, for a while anyway. You might just have to get used to being one of those guys that sits down to pee.  Practical things like having a circumcised penis is owning your […]

Hair, teeth and nails.

My groin is smooth and shiny. Radiotherapy made my whole groin area completely bald. There was not a pubic hair to be found, and it kept me hair free for what seemed like an eternity!  So just how long does it take for your hair to grow back after radiotherapy Well…  it’s not that I’ve […]

Nerve damage.

Thighs like wood. I have had five operations, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. I have been admitted to hospital with Sepsis, and I’ve had plenty of scans too. That means a lot of needles for tests and thinners over the past few months. I’ve had plenty of cannulas too. Every time something is given intravenously, or for […]


“you lay down, it takes about a minute and you won’t feel a thing” Just hold on, because that’s only really half true. I’m not sure how many radiotherapy machines they have at The Royal Marsden. It’s a lot though! Between the two sites, they will almost certainly operate the largest radiotherapy facility in the […]