Tag: Surveillance

Back to the prof.

28th November 2020, St Anthony’s Hospital, Surrey, England. After a rough week in hospital with the cellulitis returning, it was time to update the professor. I haven’t seen him since the robotic surgery in March. It was a gorgeous sunny morning as I made my way round the M25. It’s a journey I’ve made fifty […]


11th December 2020. Home, Hertfordshire. The prof confirmed the good news today, I’m still in remission. Following that scan at St George’s a couple of weeks ago, the experts* have given it the once over. There are no changes from the last scan, so no signs of new or recurring cancer. So Merry Christmas to […]

Where did that year go?

I’ve been in remission for a year. I don’t know if it’s the pandemic, or that time just stands still after a cancer diagnosis. But I can’t believe a year has gone by since my first negative scan in 2019. Being in remission, or ‘cancer free’ will never feel real to me.  Cancer does funny things […]